Lacks Heading

Great to meet you on my page

I'MDr Esso-Ridah BLEZA

Lacks Heading

Know About me


I have PhD in Data Science/ Machine Learning at university of south brittany

Specialized in Machine and Deep Learning tools, i help you builb AI models and deploy them on the cloud computing plateforms. I'm Expert in project modeling in the form of algorithms based on mathematical and statistical principles, scientific researcher in data analysis, I also give training in statistics, probability, machine learning programming in python and R for data science

AI & Data Science
Statistics & Probability
AWS Cloud Computing for ML
Things that I work on.

My best features

In charge of several innovative projects for start-ups and large companies for 6 years.

AI & Data Science

My proven passion and expertise in building AI algorithms for data projects.

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MLOps Engineering

My second passion, building a pipeline for machine learning projects on Amazon Web Service.

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Research & Innovation

Three years of exictement for research and innovation using environmental data on public health issues.

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Teaching & Mentoring

Teaching, my other passion for sharing mathematics and computer science.

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My Employment History

Experience and Education

I have more than 6 years of experience in the field of Data Science/ Machine Learning/ Pyton & R programming/ Statistics & Probability.


Lify Air
2020 to 2022

Offers a comprehensive preventive solution for people suffering from pollen allergies

New aerobiological data manager

These data constitute important spatio-temporal flows characterized by variables that can be redundant, and whose distributions are asymmetric (non-Gaussian) and with zero inflation.
• Optical crosstalk: a method to help filter data (breaks) in laboratory pollen measurements
• Pollution filtering: with an 88% success rate in the first-ever aerobiological outdoor data from a complex optical pollen sensor process.

Advanced ML algorithms manager

• Pollen risk prediction model: Implementation of pollen risk level prediction models for of 21 pollen species based on multi-source historical data with good spatial generalization.
• Scientific contribution: the work was presented at the EGC (Extration et Gestion de Connaissance) conference 2022 conference and a scientific article published in the international journal Elsevier

Responsible for the MLOps Enginering

• Architected and implemented end to end on AWS the pollen prediction models developed for the LivePollen application.
• The pipeline automatically manages and processes real-time data from météo France, which are integrated as feature in the models.

2018 to 2020

Positioned in the field of safe home care for seniors and vulnerable people

New aerobiological data manager

These data constitute important spatio-temporal flows characterized by variables that can be redundant, and whose distributions are asymmetric (non-Gaussian) and with zero inflation.
• Optical crosstalk: a method to help filter data (breaks) in laboratory pollen measurements
• Pollution filtering: with an 88% success rate in the first-ever aerobiological outdoor data from a complex optical pollen sensor process.

Advanced ML algorithms manager

• Home activities such as showering reccognition: Implementation of pollen risk level prediction models for of 21 pollen species based on multi-source historical data with good spatial generalization.
• Scientific contribution: the work was presented at the EGC (Extration et Gestion de Connaissance) conference 2022 conference and a scientific article published in the international journal Elsevier

Up Group
2017 to 2018

Data science missions for large accounts such as: Total France, Logis, Dalbe.

Data manager

• data manager: creation and structuring of large volumes of corporate datasets
• data mining: dimensionality reductions automatic feature selection, etc.

ML algorithms manager

• Loyalty program: development of recommendation and customer loyalty algorithms for key accounts such as TOTAL, LOGIS, etc.
• Data analysis tools: semi-automation of data analysis developpement like an application used by non-statisticians.


• Workshops organisation: Facilitation of several trainings and presentations for a better understanding of the customer on the synthesis indicators of statistics and Machine Learning

Caisse d'Epargne Bretagne Pays de Loire
Mach-September 2016

Explain and predict the profitability of 420 bank branches within the Finance Performance Department

Data scientist role

• Exploitation and quality control of data by collecting data from different sources (meetings, interviews and company datamart)
• Constitution of the dataset for the study: data mining (PCA, ACM), dimension reduction (LASSO, Ridge, etc.)
• Development and validation : automatic classification (using machine learning algorithms) to explain and predict the profitability of bank branches in the pays de la loire region


• Restitution of results: deployment and economic interpretation with business experts
• Documentation : econometric decision-support results report for financial managers
• Presentation: training in the use and understanding of decision-support indicators.

Institut Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche Appliquée (University of Pau).
January-May 2015

Statistical study contributing to the research of a doctoral student in biochemistry


• Modeling of the probability of presence of a phenomenon (LIGA) threatening the marine environment south of the Basque-Landes coast.
• Processing and quality control of large amounts of qualitative and quantitative time series data probabilistic methods and advanced statistics


University of South Britany (France)
2019 to 2022

PhD at IRISA (UBS) and IRMAR (University of Rennes1) Laboratories.

Computer science PhD

Machine learning methods for the analysis of environmental data from micro-sensors applications in public health

University of Rennes 1 (France)
2015 to 2016
Master 2

Statistics and Econometrics, Risk and Market Forecasting

Super creative

My Portfolio

Knowledge sharing

Some Articles

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